Our Circulation:
OHB’s distribution is unparallelled compared to other trade publications focused on the the residential building industry in Ontario. Our unique circulation provides 100% reach of the province’s residential builders. How do we do this? Every issue is direct mailed to every member of the Ontario Home Builders’ Association. This membership is comprised of the 29 locals across the province and includes builders, renovators and support industries.
To ensure we reach every residential builder in Ontario we also direct mail every issue to members of TARION, Ontario’s new home warranty program. In order to legally build a home in Ontario, every builder must register first with TARION. By combining the TARION membership and OHB membership lists in our direct mail distribution, you are assured your message is delivered to every registered builder in Ontario, 100% penetration! In addition, the magazine is mailed to industry experts, members of Parliament and members of the Ontario Architectural Association.